

Aaand we’re back!

It’s been a long time between updates. (Eight months – but who’s counting?) I could go into a whole heap of detail about what I’ve been up to in that time, but to keep things simple here’s a summary of what’s been happening:


  1. I’ve been doing rewrites of Laura the Explorer. LOTS of rewrites. The original plan had been to self publish this book (and the subsequent series), however after meeting the amazing people at Pantera Press in April, I’ve been working with them on the manuscript ever since. While I don’t have a contract with them, they’ve been giving me the most amazing feedback on the MS, and so I’ve been working really hard on improving the story since then.
  2. I’ve written a first draft of a Sci-Fi novel (which also will be book 1 in a series). The plan is to go back and rewrite this into a second draft in the next few months, then get it out to some beta readers.
  3. Immersion in the writing world. Okay, ‘immersion’ is a bit of an overstatement, but I’ve been to a number of writing courses and author book signings as well as the Open House with Harper Collins event at the NSWWC. These events were all fantastic for meeting other writers, and I’ve met a few new friends at these.
  4. Day Job work. Because as much as I’d like to think I can focus on writing books all day, there’s still that irritating need to have money present in my bank account. Luckily I do flexible digital marketing work, so there are times when I’ll be super busy on a marketing project, and other times when I can have entire writing days.

Now that it’s 2017, I’m feeling really positive about the year ahead. My Indie Author direction is on hold while I attempt to get a traditional publishing contract, so I think this year will be very interesting to see if I can crack that. In the meantime, another goal is to keep my website updated (at least monthly!) and hopefully I’ll have some firm publishing news to share soon, whatever that may be.

In the meantime, anything exciting will be shared first via my social media channels, so follow me on Twitter or Instagram to stay updated.



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Welcome to the website of Sarah Begg, Australian writer and independent author.