The end of January is nigh, and I can’t quite believe we’re 1/12 down on 2020 already. I was going to write a post at the end of 2019 reflecting on the year and talking about my 2020 goals, but that seems a bit late now! Plus I’ve struggled a bit this year with ‘goals’. I realised that towards the end of last year, all of my goals were writing related. That doesn’t sound like a bad thing, but since writing is not just my passion but also my job, that meant I had nothing but work goals. I hadn’t set myself any personal or fitness goals for the second half of the year – and I watched my fitness shoot right off out the window thanks to a repetitive strain injury I got in my knee after too much hiking and bike-riding in Canada back in July.
So! This year I’ve set not just writing goals, but fitness and personal goals too. Now, on to the book updates!
Recently when I’ve spoken to people about being an author, one of the first questions that comes up is “So how long does it actually take to write a book?”
This question sounds simple, but it seems to imply that an author will one day think “I’ll write a book about x topic” and then sit down at their computer and write it out, from start to finish, until (theoretically) a few months later they will type ‘the end’ and that’s that.
Ha! If ONLY!!
While every author is different, and will have a different writing process, here I’m going to break down some of the actual challenges and processes that it takes to turn an idea into a manuscript worthy of publishing.
There’s no denying that writing a book is really bloody hard. But occasionally you get the opportunity to do some really cool, fun things in the name of writing research, and a week ago I did exactly that. EAT PRAY SHAG (the second book in the Laura the Explorer series) has a huge chunk of the story set up in Byron Bay, a wonderful semi-famous beachside town up in the northern part of NSW (about a nine hour drive north of Sydney). I’d been to Byron Bay four years ago, which is where the inspiration to set this book there came from, however as I was writing the first draft I found my memory of the place a little sketchy. Plus, a lot can change in a town in four years!
I’m so excited to share with everyone the title for book 2 in the LAURA THE EXPLORER series: EAT, PRAY, SHAG. And here’s the blurb for the story:
One of my favourite things about winter is escaping winter and taking a summer holiday in the northern hemisphere – which is exactly what I did for 4 weeks! It was a fantastic break (Hawaii, New York, Canada) but I’ve been back for a couple of weeks now and am straight back into writing work.
Welcome to the website of Sarah Begg, Australian writer and independent author.