Aaand we’re back!
It’s been a long time between updates. (Eight months – but who’s counting?) I could go into a whole heap of detail about what I’ve been up to in that time, but to keep things simple here’s a summary of what’s been happening:
Have you ever considered volunteering at a writers’ event? Or wondered why on earth anyone would agree to work for free rather than simply attending the event? As someone who spent five days last week working (yes for free) as a volunteer at Sydney Writers Festival I might be able to answer some of these questions for you!
Well this is an overdue and slightly strange blog post. So much has happened in the last few weeks and while I’d love to be able to give an update on the status of Laura the Explorer I don’t have any solid news at present. If you’ve been following my progress then you’ll realise that I’ve been promising LTE would be released on the 27th May (and it should have been up for pre-order weeks ago)… but it’s not.
This year certainly is flying by! I can’t quite believe I’ve been writing full time for five months now – it seems like just yesterday that I was spending five days a week working ridiculous hours in a corporate job.
While it seems like the time has flown by, when I take a look at what I’ve done in that time I’m quietly pleased. I’m so close to having my first book finished (as in 99% close!) and it is going up for pre-order in 3 weeks’ time. This means I’ll have started, written, edited and published a book in just 6 months. Not as fast as some writers, but for my first book I’m pretty happy. The cover design is almost finalized and I’ll be doing a big design reveal next week. I’ve built a website, optimized my social accounts and have just finished putting the finishing touches on my book launch marketing plan. There also will be something available for free for anyone who pre-orders Laura the Explorer, so watch out for that announcement!
Since I am currently getting my first ever novel ready for publication, I embarked on having a full structural edit done with a professional editor.
This can be a tricky decision to make for a lot of writers (especially first-time writers!) as it can be a rather large investment of money, and also can be confusing knowing where to start and who to hire. Also the question – Do I need to do a structural edit? – can be a question we lose sleep over at night.
I started with the NSW Writers Centre, and their helpful Resource Sheet on Editors. From there, I then found the Society of Editors who I was delighted to discover, were able to send out a job advertisement for your work to their entire directory of members so that interested editors could contact you directly and quote on the work.
Welcome to the website of Sarah Begg, Australian writer and independent author.