

It’s been exactly 2 months since I received the reader's report on Kalileia from my editor. I thought I was taking such a long time to get through this, but 2 months isn’t so bad considering I rewrote the entire first third of the book and had a number of character issues that needed dealing with! Today I got through to the end, and am so happy that this is now not only done but that I’m thrilled with the result. And now… the querying begins!


The year is half gone. How did that happen?? Anyway, on with things …

I received my structural edit/ reader’s report on Kalileia back at the end of May, which is a 17-page document going over the manuscript and highlighting areas that can be improved upon. My editor, Kate, did a fantastic job, and we had a coffee together afterwards to discuss the book. I was so happy to hear that the structure and plotline was all working well, since I’d been the most worried about the last third of the book and trying to get the ending right. To my surprise, it was the first third of the book that needed the most work, and of course once my attention had been drawn to the weaknesses there, I was amazed that I hadn’t seen them myself. Note: this is the power of a great editor. They can point out the parts that aren’t working, but more importantly explain to you why they aren’t working and offer some suggestions on how to improve them.


In my last blog post I wrote about how I was going to be trying a number of different marketing options for Laura the Explorer, and in true random fashion I went in this month with the holy-grail of indie author book marketing activities – with a BookBub Promotion.


Summer is officially over here in Australia, and for once I don’t mind that we are now into Autumn. This is the time of year that I usually start thinking seriously about my goals for the year (and wonder how those first two months vanished so quickly!). Laura the Explorer was released out into the world on the 24th January, and it was such an interesting learning process acting as my own publisher. It’s now been out for just over a month, so I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve learned – broken down into positives and negatives!

Today is launch day for LAURA THE EXPLORER! I wish I could say that I opened a bottle of champagne first thing this morning, but in reality I woke up with my mind ticking over with all the things I’ve done/have still to do/ must remember to do.

Last week I received the first boxes of books (ordered from Ingram Spark in Australia) and was blown away by how beautiful they are! I’ve already sold a box to family and friends, and have loved speaking to the ones who have finished reading already – it’s amazing to think that Laura is now out in the world and the minds of so many people!



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Welcome to the website of Sarah Begg, Australian writer and independent author.